Friday, October 31, 2008

Look, Kids - Bigotry IS Alive and Well!

Yes, we have had a processional of "Yes on 8" proponents; those people who would choose to violate our constitutional rights to Equality for All.
I didn't have any rotten tomatoes and I wasn't about to waste even a single organic egg (especially after my expensive vote FOR Prop 2 ... those things are PRECIOUS!) so I didn't throw anything, as tempted as I was to indulge in a little freedom of expression.
(Especially good - that's one of my co-workers there, keeping the peace ... and one of our squad cars there on the right side of the photo!)
Didn't we decide after a bloody civil war that Constitutional rights should apply to "people of color" as well as whites? Then a not so bloody revolution and we figured out women were people, too? Are we so dim-witted as a whole that we need to "test" each group? Can we please just efficiently settle on "human" rights?
Besides, as my dear Crazy Aunt Purl put it:
"Everyone should have the legal right to fall in love and get married and spend twenty grand on a divorce which has to be stipulated three years later to include custody of the dentist! EVERYONE."

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happiest Dog on Earth!

We couldn't find a puppy sitter in time for our trip to Disneyland so we just took Lily along!!
She was GREAT - didn't knock over any small children, didn't puke on anyone ... even went potty where she was supposed to!!
Look - someone's happy to see Lily!

Ready for her first ride:

And her second:

She even rode on ...

The Pirates. In a boat. In the dark. Thunder Mountain, here we come!!

Followed by a break at the Exercise Run at the Kennel Club.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ever Wonder?

Sometimes I wonder what my camera does when I'm not around. It doesn't look like it's moved a bit and then I download the picture (of knitting, which no one needed to see, anyway) I just took ... and it's newfound friends who have appeared from nowhere.

What's that she's wearing??? Dont' worry, Camera had the same question ...

Oh! Must have been Bath Day!!

Something's Just Not Right Here ...

There is something terribly wrong with this sock.
Don't get me wrong - knitted goods rarely look GREAT right off the needles but this is horrid! (Lily didn't mind, though.)

I jumped up from the computer thinking, "I know! I'll take a picture of that sock I finally finished - my Blog-Friends will be so proud to see that it's done. Not so much. But I am not too proud to show you all my pathetic attempts!
Awww, Mama!