Thursday, September 11, 2008

General Life Update ...

Oy. So very tired. The only reason you're getting this little tidbit is that I desperately need something to do to keep me awake long enough to drop the kids off at school!

Work is fun .. there's always so much to learn and think about! I've also kept busy in my off hours ...

I've been to yoga every week except the one I was sick.

Oh yeah. Got frightfully sick with a migraine ... my doctor invited me to go to the hospital but I politely declined. I did however accept an invite for a shot of torpadol the next day. Ahh. Relief.

I've also picked up my knitting and am kicking myself yet again for beginning these two at a time socks in a size intended for Sven. I'm working my way to the toes but often wonder if they will EEEVVVVVERRRR end???! That pretty self-striping yarn is begging me to cast on a new pair but I'm getting to be pretty tough up against the soft little pleas of wool blends. I really want to knit a sweater ... I'll wait for that urge to pass before go near a yarn shop.

Last but not least, I've had the MannersMinder out again and have been trying to get some obedience practice in with Lily. She's all in favor of anything food related so that's been easy ... if only there were more hours in the day.

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